Continuing Education Credits for the following
professional disciplines have been approved:
LED = 7.5 hours | CPE = 8 hours | PDH = 7 hours | CLE = pending
Welcome to the WVMEGS
The West Virginia Manufacturers Association is proud to host this year’s Manufacturing Energy Growth (MEG) Summit, formerly the Marcellus and Manufacturing Development Conference. This regional event brings together manufacturing and energy leaders, state and local officials, economic development professionals, and friends of industry and energy from West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Summit attendees will explore the broader intersections of manufacturing and energy from power generation to downstream manufacturing development through feedstocks created by oil & natural gas and rare earth extraction.
Experts will provide updates and new information on a variety of issues relating to manufacturing and energy. The MEG Summit is a time to work together to identify challenges and opportunities in these industries, and to formulate crucial regional strategies to expand manufacturing and energy development throughout Appalachia.

Bill Bissett, President
West Virginia Manufacturers Association
From the President
What a great time to be leading the WVMA! My home state of West Virginia has a rich history when it comes to making products that our country and the world needs, and this legacy continues to grow and expand as we welcome new companies to the Mountain State. NUCOR, Berkshire Hathaway, and Form Energy are just a few of the companies that join an impressive list of manufacturers of all sizes that make up the WVMA’s membership. We thank all of you for your support and stand ready to advocate for and assist your company in any way we can.
As we see this continued growth and expansion, we also recognize that challenges come with any change. As information is vital to any business, we want to provide our members with the best opportunities to learn from experts, interact with other companies, and address those challenges and opportunities that are on the horizon. The 2024 Manufacturing & Energy Growth (MEG) Summit examines the intersections of modern energy and manufacturing industries with a dynamic program that dives into the latest information and updates related to energy development, environmental regulations, job growth, and more. Bringing together industry leaders, government officials, economic development professionals, and supporters of industry, the MEG Summit takes a proactive approach to industry growth while providing an opportunity to become a part of a larger industry network.
Our MEG Summit presenters are experts in their fields and eager to share their knowledge on today’s topics. Presenters will answer your questions and provide valuable resources and data to inform these discussions. Our MEG EXPO participants are here to offer you guidance and services to help your business grow and thrive in West Virginia and the Appalachian region – please take the time to visit Expo displays.
As always, we appreciate the value our members and partners place on educational and networking opportunities and hope you will find the MEG Summit offers both. We are also grateful for our Corporate Partners and WVMA MEG Summit sponsors who make this and other events possible.